Legion Dog and Cat Supply

Mission Statement: At Legion Dog and Cat Supply we are an American company based in Tennessee. Our mission is to celebrate the extraordinary bond within families, which includes our beloved four-legged members. We understand the profound love and importance of our fur babies in our family life and the lives of families like ours. We are committed to offering a diverse range of pet products, both commercial and handmade, that reflect the significance of our furry family members.

What We Do: We are more than just a pet supply store; we are a family of pet lovers dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to enhance the lives of your furry family members. Our journey began with a profound experience that shaped our purpose.

Our Family Values:

  • Love and Compassion: Our love for animals is at the heart of our family, and it drives us to offer products and services that prioritize the well-being and happiness of pets as cherished members of our family.
  • Resilience: We believe in overcoming challenges as a family and never giving up on our furry family members, just as we did when our mastiff Bentley had a spinal stroke. His remarkable recovery inspired us to go above and beyond, as any family would for their loved ones.
  • Quality and Affordability: We understand that family budgets are important, and we are committed to offering a wide range of pet supplies, from toys to food and treats, that are not only of the highest quality but also family-friendly in terms of affordability. Every pet in a family deserves the best care.
  • Community and Support: We aim to be a supportive family for pet owners facing challenging situations, such as mobility issues, incontinence, or other health concerns within their family. We want to connect with other families and individuals who share our family mission of providing essential resources to pet-owning families in need.

Our Family Vision: Our vision is to be the trusted source for family pet care, offering a comprehensive selection of products that cater to the unique needs of pets in family settings of all sizes and health conditions. We want to expand our family partnerships with wholesalers, ensuring that we can provide the essential supplies necessary to care for our furry family members.

Your Family’s Support Matters: We invite you to be a part of our family’s journey. Your feedback and suggestions help us improve our product offerings, ensuring they meet the needs and preferences of families like yours. We find joy in creating pet-themed décor and gifts that enrich your family life and celebrate the special bond you share with your pets as family members.

Join our family in celebrating the love and companionship of our fur babies. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of pets and their devoted family members. Thank you for choosing Legion Dog and Cat Supply as your trusted partner in family pet care and companionship.